For those who really have someone who they want to impress should know the basics about how they should approach the woman they admire. Now for some that�s easy but for some it�s hell lot difficult and they end up giving up their will. There can be many situations and stages which a person goes through.
There are a few stages which a person has to get himself through. If the woman you like is already familiar with you or you are in talking terms with her then things are a little easier for you but if she does not even know you then that�s the tricky part. You�ll have to get yourself recognized and for that you need to be dominant staying sober. When you think that she knows you then you can approach her directly. It�s more or less impossible to impress a woman in only a single interact because it�s not just about the looks, but it still depends on the type of the woman you are approaching.
A few steps one should keep in mind if you really want a woman to get attracted.
To be what you are
First thing you must keep in mind is that women are not as dumb and they don�t like artificial people or artificial style adopted by someone. Try to be who you are and make yourself comfortable with that. Being natural and comfortable can help you a lot in achieving the comfort level of hers.
Well Groomed Personality
One must show the best side of himself and should be a groomed person from inside and outside as well. Give yourself time and try to improve your outlook and the way you carry yourself. Improving does not mean changing; do not change your personality to someone who you are not. Just work on your dressing, your hairstyle and the whole attire. Most importantly you should smell good and look tidy.
Conversation Material
Appearance is not the only thing one should focus on, the first impression changes as soon as you open your mouth and that impression depends on the way you communicate with others and the woman you like. This factor is again easy for some and a little hard for others; this usually happens to most of the men that they run out of words or topics which they have to talk about. This only happens when you are not being yourself, so make sure that you are you and the person right next to you is someone important; prepare yourself to have an extensive conversation before you meet. Another key is to speak less and listen more with genuine interest , make the lady speak more than you do because woman are really fond of men who are good listeners .
Maturity and Manners
You might think that opening doors or pulling chairs for the women is an old tradition now but that�s not the case. Women actually appreciate it when someone does that because it gives the gesture of being courteous and mature. Complement and flatter her without being creepy and desperate, if you do it after you met her on phone or on text that would be more appropriate.
Good luck!
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